Out of the multitude, a few sparks...

© 2023 Steve S. Saroff

My love still holds up the walls.

Absolute best person. Don Winston. Deeply missed.

Casey: Many years now of great friendship. All the week-long wood fires we've done together. The long drives. The meals and parties. Talks and plans. I've helped Casey with the core of what makes for good business: do honest work and don't short sell your future. And Casey has definitely helped me with the core of what makes for good art: pay attention to the design and avoid cliche. This sculpture of @caseyzablockiceramics is astounding. Now most of his work gets shipped east... (this photo was taken from the studio in my house which we shared for several productive years)

My favorite photo of Kayla and Casey. Several years ago I became a minister and wrote and read this for the occasion of their marriage: First there was light. Then there was earth. Words came later, and words helped make us human. And so here are a few words for you, here in this bright light, here on this good earth, here on this day, with all of us together. Nothing is simple, certainly not a large wedding. Cars break down. Flights get delayed. The weather defies prediction. But your marriage -- the two of you, this is simply perfect. You are: Kayla and Casey Or: Casey and Kayla. And you've always been taking turns like this, together, back and forth, balanced just right. And you've been forever growing more and more together. Like breathing. Breathing in, breathing out, deep and peaceful, or wild and full of laughter, breathless in the best way. Who here has seen Casey get too happy for slow words? When he does that scrunching of his eyes, and rubbing of his face with the back of his hands? And who here has heard Kayla, when she just has to shout loudly, about whatever is suddenly cute or shockingly absurd? We've watched both of you become happy over easy and profound things. Clay from out of the deep flames. Hard edged design that softens into art. Dogs and Cats that follow you for the affection you both share. Those long runs on the open hills. Those jars of homemade kimchee. The meals you cook with each other... You two do not need any advise, because you already know what is most important: each other. Our futures show up regardless of what we dread, or what we dream. But luck seems to help. The two of you meeting each other, that was the best possible luck. And now here you are, in front of all of us, crossing into the lucky land of happiness with each other. And one request to end with: Both of you, please, never stop aiming high and wild and happy. -- steve s. saroff.

9 days, 24 hours a day:

Michael Fitzgerald, forever calm among the commotion.

Writing Sampler

And to my readers who want more: the best way to encourage the publication of my next book is for my current book to receive more reviews. If you have read Paper Targets please consider leaving a review of it on Amazon. - Thank you!!!
Fiction: Non-fiction: Photos with words: Available Books:

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(c) 2023 Steve S. Saroff & Saroff Corporation www.saroff.com
Author. Start-up consultant. Adviser to artists, writers, and a few good actors.